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American Civil Rights Advocates Announce Campaign to Secure the Liberation of Kashmir

Press Releases

(Hancock, NY, April 25th, 2017) The Muslims of America, Inc., “TMOA”, civil rights attorneys, advocates and social justice activists have organized a campaign to call for an end to the unceasing atrocities perpetrated day and night against innocent men, women and children in occupied Kashmir. The over-militarization of the Indian army amongst Kashmiri residents, the use of civilians as human shields, the killing of children and the use of pellet guns against youth causing orbital trauma and blindness violate every treaty and protocol of human rights. The lack of global outcry is reprehensible.

On Tuesday, May 2, 2017, at 2:00PM EST, advocates will hold a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington D.C,. to announce the launch of a multi-dimensional campaign to assure the long overdue liberation of Kashmir.

For decades, Kashmiris have been victims of mass killings, rape, torture, kidnappings, political repression and suppression of free speech. Indian paramilitary forces have used tear gas, rubber bullets, assault rifles and pellet guns to terrorize the people, injuring and killing almost 100,000 civilians since 1989.

This war against the Kashmiri people has spanned generations. Denial of freedom, combined with global apathy and no accountability, amounts to the worst kind of treachery. This coalition of human rights advocates turns to the American people to join in a campaign to bring attention to this humanitarian crisis, while demanding sanctions against India.

TMOA appeals to the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and all organizations and people who stand for human rights to join this campaign, which includes an urgent petition to the United Nations and for the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee to conduct hearings on the human rights violations. Additionally, peacekeeping and protective forces must be sent to Kashmir to stop the genocide. The world cannot sit silently as these families face sure extinction without a major global intervention.

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