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Press Releases

The Muslims of America, Inc. press releases, for immediate release to the public.

It is with inexpressible grief that we announce the passing of His Eminence El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gillani, lifelong humanitarian, beloved Pir (Spiritual leader and guide) of thousands of devotees worldwide, cherished husband and father. His peaceful passing on May 15th Saturday morning, at his home in Lahore, Pakistan, surrounded by family members and followers, brought to a close the prodigious earthly life of one totally dedicated to the service of Almighty Allah and the uplifting of humanity.

On Saturday, September 23, 2017, The Muslims of America, Inc. (TMOA), will hold a "March for Justice" in support of the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar (Burma) from 11:00am to 3:00pm at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 245 E. 47th Street, New York City, New York. We demand the United Nations send peacekeepers to put a stop to the widespread murder, rape, displacement and starvation of innocent Rohingya Muslims. We demand the government of Myanmar (Burma) permit humanitarian aid agencies into the country to monitor and assist the devastated Rohingya population.

Bikers are once again targeting American Muslims living in the rural hamlet of Islamberg by staging a rally in and around the Hancock, New York area under the pretext of patriotic concern for national security. The rally, billed as the “2nd Annual Ride for National Security”, is scheduled for Saturday, July 15 and will culminate in a “ride” past Islamberg. Islamberg is headquarters of The Muslims of America, Inc. (TMOA), a religious congregation and home to dozens of American Muslim families.

On February 16, 2017, after a six-day trial and two days of deliberation, a jury found Doggart guilty on all counts, which included solicitation to commit a federal civil rights violation, solicitation to commit arson, and communicating a threat through the use of an instrument of interstate commerce. Telling Doggart that “This was a crime against the United States of America”, Judge Collier imposed the maximum sentence of 235 months, with three years of supervision by the U.S. Probation Office after his release.

The Muslims of America, Inc., “TMOA”, civil rights attorneys, advocates and social justice activists have organized a campaign to call for an end to the unceasing atrocities perpetrated day and night against innocent men, women and children in occupied Kashmir. The over-militarization of the Indian army amongst Kashmiri residents, the use of civilians as human shields, the killing of children and the use of pellet guns against youth causing orbital trauma and blindness violate every treaty and protocol of human rights. The lack of global outcry is reprehensible.

A jury of Robert Doggart’s peers in Chattanooga Tennessee have found him guilty on all four counts including one count of solicitation to commit arson, one count of solicitation to commit a civil rights violation and two counts of threat in interstate commerce. We would like to extend our appreciation and respect to the jury for honestly deliberating and taking up the task of finding Mr. Doggart guilty. We appreciate your service and the time spent reviewing the overwhelming facts of the case. 

The danger in fake news is that it scares Americans and radicalizes them to engage in vigilante justice against Muslim communities. We saw this with Robert Doggart of Tennessee who is currently awaiting trial on criminal charges for convening a militia to burn the mosque and annihilate the Muslim community of Islamberg in New York. In his criminal briefing, Doggart implicated Fox News.

May 15th 2016, Islamberg, New York. History was being made. And the people making it were not presidents or politicians. They were neighbors, friends, community members – all true American patriots who chose to stand up for truth and justice in the face of bigotry and Islamophobia. It was an epic moment, when people of different faiths and backgrounds, Muslims, Christians, Jews and other community partners stood together, united in a cause greater than themselves; they called for “justice, freedom and equality for Islamberg”.

November 20, 2015 (Hancock, Islamberg NY), The Muslims of America (TMOA) and its media partner The Islamic Post are collaborating with federal, state and local police officials who have increased patrols around its American villages particularly Islamberg, NY located 45 miles southeast of Binghamton. The organization has been meeting with authorities around the clock to secure the safety of its congregation.  The Muslim congregation has demanded the immediate arrest and detention of Jon Ritzheimer of Phoenix, AZ.

(York, SC) October 8, 2015, The Red Crescent Society of American Muslims in affiliation with The Muslims of America, Inc. have dispatched scouts from its southern locations to assist in relief efforts for victims of the historically unprecedented flooding that have plagued South Carolina for the past several days. Scouts from South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Mississippi have travelled to the hardest affected areas in Richland County, SC. Overall 19 flood-related deaths were reported of which 9 occurred in Richland County.

(Hancock, NY) Right wing radical extremists who have attacked American Muslims villages, are demanding from presidential candidates an equal level of extremism by openly calling for the genocide of Muslims in America. Using Ben Carson and Donald Trump as the trump card in this evil game, extremists continue a media attack of Hancock Islamberg, NY, a campus of International Qur'anic Open University and the home of The Muslims of America (TMOA) threatening its mosque, homes and school. In stark contrast to what has been exercised by historically communist Russia, President Vladimir V. Putin, has warmly inaugurated a new mosque in Moscow, assuring its citizens of the right to make Eid prayer and practice their faith, turning a new page in religious freedoms for Russia, while the United States is witnessing an unprecedented decline in religious tolerance and rights, as evidenced by the current political climate.

HANCOCK, Ny – Officials of The Muslims of America, Inc., along with prominent community members and citizens from across the U.S. will gather to hold a STAND FOR JUSTICE Rally on July 13th, in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

A delegation of American Muslims petition the United Nations to rescue thousands of innocent women and children from the grip of Tahir-ul-Qadri, who is using them to attack parliament in order to achieve his political objectives in Pakistan.

(York, SC) A gunman trespassed onto the property of The Muslims of America, Inc. (TMOA), in York County, South Carolina, during the night of December 21, firing his weapon towards the homes of peaceful residents. The man began shooting from the woods nearby, causing innocent men, women and children to seek cover as bullets flew by. The property is hosting the Muslim Scouts of America (MSA) who were concluding their first day of activities with dozens of youth when the incident took place. Shocked and terrified, the scouts and residents watched as the man brazenly came forward screaming obscenities at the crowd he had just attempted to murder. The man was clearly identified as a neighbor who lives only yards away from long time resident Hadia Rashid, who could barely speak, thinking of what may have happened as her grandchildren often freely come and go within firing range of the assailant.

The International Quranic Open University, Muslims of the Americas, and the United Muslim-Christian Forum vehemently abhor, condemn and demand removal of the movie “Innocence of Muslims”, as it contains hideous lies and inflammatory statements that viciously malign the most auspicious and noble character of the Holy Last Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him)...

Glendon Scott Crawford and Eric J. Feight were arrested on June 18, 2013 by the FBI for acts of terrorism associated with the building of a weapon of mass destruction intended to be used against American Muslims. The criminal complaint states the pair worked relentlessly for over a year to build a “radiation-emitting device that could be placed in the back of a van to covertly emit ionizing radiation…”

An American Muslim community has been assaulted in Redhouse, Virginia victimized by an Islamophobic gang of criminals who walked onto the Muslims of the Americas’ property and fired thirteen shotgun blasts into the sign which identifies our peaceful village...

The United Nations is duty bound to take a keen interest in those people who are destroying and weakening America. These often unseen forces, this ‘hidden hand’, has aggressively entered preemptive wars, permitted spying on innocent citizens in places of worship, carried out torture, and secretly detained Muslims without benefit of charges...