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AMERICAN MUSLIMS UNDER ATTACK: FBI Uncovers Plot To Kill Muslims with Weapon of Mass Destruction

Press Releases


(Hancock, NY) The Muslims of America, Inc. is shocked to learn that two men from Albany, New York — Glendon Scott Crawford and Eric J. Feight — were arrested June 18, 2013 by the FBI for acts of terrorism associated with the building of a weapon of mass destruction intended to be used against American Muslims. The criminal complaint states the pair worked relentlessly for over a year to build a “radiation-emitting device that could be placed in the back of a van to covertly emit ionizing radiation…” Their aim was to kill “enemies of Israel”, specifically American Muslims, while they slept. Additionally, court documents indicate the Albany plotters planned to use their weaponzied X-ray equipment against President Obama. Crawford is a member of the KKK with ties to New York and the Carolinas.

These horrifying acts of planned terrorism against the American Muslim community come at a time when The Muslims of America, Inc. is experiencing deceitful and coordinated invasions upon their resident properties all around the country. In Hancock, NY, on June 16, two unknown trespassers with Eastern European accents and concealed equipment in the back of their Mercedes-Benz van unlawfully entered The Muslims of America, Inc. village of Islamberg, driving approximately one mile down a private rural path until they reached the community’s house of worship. A resident stopped the intruders from further advancing. The driver asked for directions to the “lakes”, but a glance at the GPS on the dash showed no bodies of water on the route. As they fled the property the trespassers were observed not following the directions provided. Two days later, a resident of Islamberg came upon two males, one speaking with an Eastern European accent and taking pictures of the property. The individual, when confronted, returned to his vehicle and sped away. The incidents were reported to the State Police and the FBI.

In Texas, the day of the Albany arrest, a small farming community of The Muslims of America, Inc. experienced a trespasser who identified himself as a land surveyor. The trespasser drove past the village farm repeatedly for approximately four hours and eventually entered onto the property uninvited. After misrepresenting himself as a homeland security representative, the trespasser informed another community member he was a land surveyor. Shockingly, a few hours thereafter, concerned nearby residents reported to their Muslim neighbors that the man shared that he was collecting information for “Mr. Mawyer” in relation to a book. Martin Mawyer president of the Christian Action Network is a defendant in a multi-million dollar lawsuit filed by The Muslims of America. Mawyer and his supporters have a long history of harassing members of The Muslims of America, Inc. on their property.

The frightening events transpiring in Texas and New York are more than coincidental, as other locations of The Muslims of America, Inc. have experienced unexplained and unwelcome intruders including Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee- most reporting strangers having the same Eastern European accents. Residents who came into contact with the trespassers are being sent to local hospitals to ensure no exposure to dangerous radiation. The FBI documents for Crawford and Feight do not indicate which Muslim community was targeted by the two Albany men, or how many accomplices remain at large who wish to bring harm to American Muslims.

Although a grave plot, the facts have been suppressed as few news media outlets have covered the story. The Muslims of America, Inc. recognize this apparent Zionist plot to commit acts of genocide against American Muslims by using weapons of mass destruction and suppressing the facts. When Fox News falsely accused Iraq of having WMDs the story was repeated around the world for months. Today, a devastating weapon of mass destruction has actually been built on American soil to be used against Americans and there is virtually no media coverage from Fox or other news services. Appallingly, some irresponsible media are making jokes that the KKK does not have the capability of building this type of weapon. Nevertheless, the facts are clear and therefore not only American Muslims, but all Americans should be concerned as a weapon of mass destruction was intended to do mass harm murdering innocents. Credible sources have already indicated the device was slated to be exported out of the country. For the safety of all citizens, The Muslims of America, Inc will utilize every available avenue to expose this plot and petition President Obama to demand immediate police and government protection.