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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمhis eminence

We are more than happy to provide an introduction to His Eminence, El-Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah El-Gillani (الشيخ سيد مبارك علي شاه الجيلاني), the true alchemist of the soul, guide & leader of all mankind, and Imam of Qur'anic Sciences. In this growing section of our website, you will be blessed with the introduction the El-Gilani Methodology and many other fountains of benefit that spring forth from he who tirelessly serves mankind – both Muslim and non-Muslim – wtih the support and miraculous confirmations by God Almighty (may His name be magnified).

His Eminence is a direct descendant of the Holy Last Messenger (peace and blessings upon him, his family, his holy companions, and all those sincere followers) by both blessed Imams, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein, abundant and consecutive greetings upon them both; and a direct descendant of the Sheikh of all Sheikhs, Ghawth al-A'zam Sheikh Abdul-Qadir Jilani -- upon whom we send blessings and salutations. From this blessed lineage we have been blessed with a perfect Imam, Sheikh, and Murshid (مرشد الكامل).

His Eminence has been and still continues to guide The Muslims of America, and from the continual results of his hard work, sacrifice, and tireless efforts is that of the existence of five generations of Muslims in America (native) that practice Al-Islam and seek the Favor and Blessings of Allah Ta'ala. Allah be praised for His Bounties.



The El Gillani Methodology (EGM), is proven to cure so-called incurable mental and physical disorders through the use of a standardized and scientifically tested system that heals disease of the mind, body and soul by utilizing selected portions of the Holy Quran and other supplications, as well as use of the projection of the visual image of the personal names of Almighty God, Allah, and His Holy Last Messenger, Muhammad, peace be upon him.

Treasures found at the bottom of the ocean have only a limited lifetime of benefit and excitement, for the fad of their existance comes and goes. The invaluable knowledge (Ilm) and Hikmah conveyed by His Eminence – a competent Sheikh of the Qadiri Order – are never the victim of time, fad, or social class because all gain benefit from the musk of his pen and his discourses.

مقالات كتبها فضيلة الشيخ سيد مبارك علي شاه الجيلاني - نفع الله بعلمه الجميع - بالعربي